Speaking, Book Tour, and Reader Photos
from Window Seat on the World

I’m available to speak about Window Seat on the World to groups large or small, from any political party, in settings as intimate as a book group and retirement home to as large as a university auditorium or conference keynote.

I’ve done it all already.

My presentation is illustrated with slides from across our four years of travel, most of which aren’t in the book. I can scale it up or down depending on the time available, and tailor the photos shown to a particular audience’s geographic, cultural, professional, or political interests.

I can also deliver tandem, illustrated presentations about photography - with specific lessons for the everyday iPhone user - and the process of writing a book for first-timers like me.

Some of my upcoming appearances are listed under the Events tab.

The photos below capture some of my speaking and book events. They also show all the places in the world where readers have sent me a copy of my book cover.

I can’t tell you how gratifying it is to see an idea once solely in my head now beneath a cover that’s made it to several of the seven continents we visited.

Please use the Contact form to reach me about scheduling an appearance.

Public Speaking/Book Tours

Reader photos

Window Seat on the World is being distributed worldwide, sold through bookstores - both national and independent - and available to public libraries through the network of Ingram, Baker & Taylor.

You also can order it at: